Ensures that the MagicDraw element is valid
Ensures that the MagicDraw element is valid
MagicDraw-specific element metaclass
MagicDraw element
Ensures that the MagicDraw element is valid and that there is a transaction where it can be modified
Ensures that the MagicDraw element is valid and that there is a transaction where it can be modified
MagicDraw-specific element metaclass
MagicDraw element
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a composite non-colllection type
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a composite non-colllection type
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'from' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for M
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'to' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for N
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The association 'from' object of type OTIM
Maps an OTIM object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt
The association 'to' object of type OTIN
Maps an OTIN object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type M
MagicDraw-specific method to compute the association-end 'to' object for a 'from' object
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type N
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a composite ordered collection
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a composite ordered collection
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'from' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for M
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'to' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for N
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The association 'from' object of type OTIM
Maps an OTIM object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt
The association 'to' collection of objects of type OTIN
Maps an OTIN object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type M
MagicDraw-specific method to compute the association-end 'to' ordered collection for a 'from' object
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type N
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a composite unordered collection
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a composite unordered collection
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'from' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for M
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'to' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for N
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The association 'from' object of type OTIM
Maps an OTIM object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt
The association 'to' collection of objects of type OTIN
Maps an OTIN object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type M
MagicDraw-specific method to compute the association-end 'to' unordered collection for a 'from' object
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type N
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a non-composite non-colllection type
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a non-composite non-colllection type
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'from' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for M
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'to' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for N
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The association 'from' object of type OTIM
Maps an OTIM object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt
The association 'to' object of type OTIN
Maps an OTIN object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type M
MagicDraw-specific method to compute the association-end 'to' object for a 'from' object
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type N
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a non-composite ordered collection
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a non-composite ordered collection
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'from' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for M
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'to' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for N
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The association 'from' object of type OTIM
Maps an OTIM object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt
The association 'to' collection of objects of type OTIN
Maps an OTIN object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type M
MagicDraw-specific method to compute the association-end 'to' ordered collection for a 'from' object
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type N
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a non-composite unordered collection
creates/deletes link instances of an association 'from' a metaclass <OTIM> 'to' <OTIN> where the 'to' association end property is a non-composite unordered collection
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'from' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for M
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The MagicDraw-specific type of the 'to' association end
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adapter for N
The MagicDraw-specific OTI adaptee wrapper for M
The association 'from' object of type OTIM
Maps an OTIM object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt
The association 'to' collection of objects of type OTIN
Maps an OTIN object to the MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type MAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type M
MagicDraw-specific method to compute the association-end 'to' unordered collection for a 'from' object
Maps a MagicDraw-specific wrapper object of type NAdapt to the MagicDraw-specific adaptee of type N