



package common

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By Inheritance
  1. common
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait ElementLocation extends AnyRef


    A reference to an Element located in the context of a Document.

    A reference to an Element located in the context of a Document.

    There are several variations according to: - how to identify an element -- with an OTI ID -- with a tool-specific ID - how to identify the location of the identified element -- implicitly -- explicitly with an OTI Document URL -- explicitly, with a tool-specific URL location of the identified element in a tool-specific resource

  2. case class ElementLocation_OTI_ID(element_id: @@[String, OTI_ID]) extends ElementLocation with Product with Serializable


    Element Location based on OTI ID when the OTI Document context is known.

    Element Location based on OTI ID when the OTI Document context is known.


    The OTI ID of the UML Element contained in the OTI Document UML Package/Profile context

  3. case class ElementLocation_OTI_ID_OTI_URL(element_id: @@[String, OTI_ID], document_url: @@[String, OTI_URL]) extends ElementLocation with Product with Serializable


    Element Location based on OTI ID & OTI Document URL

    Element Location based on OTI ID & OTI Document URL


    The OTI ID of the UML Element contained in an OTI Document UML Package


    The OTI URL of the external OTI Document UML Package resource containing the identified element

  4. case class ElementLocation_ToolSpecific_ID(element_id: @@[String, TOOL_SPECIFIC_ID]) extends ElementLocation with Product with Serializable


    Element Location based on tool-specific ID when the Document context is known (OTI or tool-specific)

    Element Location based on tool-specific ID when the Document context is known (OTI or tool-specific)


    The tool-specific ID of the UML Element contained in an OTI or tool-specific Document UML Package/Profile context

  5. case class ElementLocation_ToolSpecific_ID_OTI_URL(element_id: @@[String, TOOL_SPECIFIC_ID], document_url: @@[String, OTI_URL]) extends ElementLocation with Product with Serializable


    Element Location based on Tool-specific ID & OTI Document URL

    Element Location based on Tool-specific ID & OTI Document URL


    The tool-specific ID of the UML Element contained in an OTI Document UML Package


    The OTI URL of the external OTI Document UML Package resource containing the identified element

  6. case class ElementLocation_ToolSpecific_ID_URL(element_id: @@[String, TOOL_SPECIFIC_ID], location_url: @@[String, TOOL_SPECIFIC_URL]) extends ElementLocation with Product with Serializable


    Element Location based on Tool-specific ID & URL

    Element Location based on Tool-specific ID & URL


    The tool-specific ID of the UML Element contained in an OTI Document UML Package


    The tool-specific URL location of the identified element in a tool-specific resource

  7. sealed trait OTIArtifactKind extends AnyRef


    A UML Package can be the root of an OTI artifact of some kind.

    A UML Package can be the root of an OTI artifact of some kind. OTI artifact kinds impose well-formedness constraints on UML Package inter-relationships.

  8. sealed trait OTIBuiltInArtifactKind extends AnyRef


    A UML Package that is the root of an OTI artifact of some kind that is built-in an OTI-compatible tool.

    A UML Package that is the root of an OTI artifact of some kind that is built-in an OTI-compatible tool. Such an artifact is neither serialized to nor deserialized from an external representation.

  9. case class OTIDocumentConfiguration(otiCharacteristics: OTISpecificationRootCharacteristics, toolSpecificPackageID: @@[String, TOOL_SPECIFIC_ID], toolSpecificPackageURL: @@[String, TOOL_SPECIFIC_URL], overrideID: Vector[ToolSpecific2OTI_ID_Pair] = ..., overrideUUID: Vector[ToolSpecific2OTI_ID_UUID_Pair] = ..., excludeNestedElements: Vector[@@[String, TOOL_SPECIFIC_ID]] = ...) extends Product with Serializable


    Configuration for an OTI Document UML Package

    Configuration for an OTI Document UML Package


    the OTI characteristics for the OTI Document UML Package


    the tool-specific ID of the OTI Document UML Package


    a tool-specific URL for the external location of the OTI Document UML Package


    Each pair is used to override the generated OTI ID for a given UML Element within the OTI DOcument UML Package according to its tool-specific ID


    Each pair is used to override the generated OTI UUID for a given UML Element within the OTI DOcument UML Package according to its tool-specific ID


    A set of tool-specific IDs for nested UML Elements to be excluded along with their contents from the OTI extent of the OTI Document UML Package

  10. case class OTIDocumentSetConfiguration(documents: Vector[OTIDocumentConfiguration]) extends Product with Serializable


  11. sealed trait OTIMetamodelArtifactKind extends AnyRef


    The kind for a UML Package representing a metamodel (built-in or serializable)

  12. sealed trait OTIModelLibraryArtifactKind extends AnyRef


    The kind for a UML Package representing a model-library (built-in or serializable)

  13. sealed trait OTIProfileArtifactKind extends AnyRef


    The kind for a UML Package representing a profile (built-in or serializable)

  14. sealed trait OTISerializableArtifactKind extends AnyRef


    A UML Package that is the root of an OTI artifact of some kind that can be serialized to or deserialized from an external representation.

  15. case class OTISpecificationRootCharacteristics(packageURI: @@[String, OTI_URI], documentURL: @@[String, OTI_URL], artifactKind: OTIArtifactKind, nsPrefix: @@[String, OTI_NS_PREFIX], uuidPrefix: @@[String, OTI_UUID_PREFIX]) extends Product with Serializable


    The OTI characteristics for a UML Package specifying the root of an OTI Document of some kind.

    The OTI characteristics for a UML Package specifying the root of an OTI Document of some kind.


    the Package::URI characteristic


    the URL where the OTI document is externally accessible as a resource


    the kind of the OTI document


    the XML namespace prefix for the contents of the OTI document


    the XMI uuid prefix for all the contents of the OTI document

  16. case class ToolSpecific2OTI_ID_Pair(toolSpecificID: @@[String, TOOL_SPECIFIC_ID], oti_id: @@[String, OTI_ID]) extends Product with Serializable


    For a given UML Element, the pair of its tool-specific ID and its OTI ID.

    For a given UML Element, the pair of its tool-specific ID and its OTI ID.


    tool-specific ID


    OTI ID

  17. case class ToolSpecific2OTI_ID_UUID_Pair(toolSpecificID: @@[String, TOOL_SPECIFIC_ID], oti_uuid: @@[String, OTI_UUID]) extends Product with Serializable


    For a given UML Element, the pair of its tool-specific ID and its OTI UUID.

    For a given UML Element, the pair of its tool-specific ID and its OTI UUID.


    tool-specific ID



Value Members

  1. object ElementLocation

  2. object ElementLocation_OTI_ID extends Serializable

  3. object ElementLocation_OTI_ID_OTI_URL extends Serializable

  4. object ElementLocation_ToolSpecific_ID extends Serializable

  5. object ElementLocation_ToolSpecific_ID_OTI_URL extends Serializable

  6. object ElementLocation_ToolSpecific_ID_URL extends Serializable

  7. object OTIArtifactKind

  8. object OTIBuiltInMetamodelArtifactKind extends OTIArtifactKind with OTIBuiltInArtifactKind with OTIMetamodelArtifactKind with Product with Serializable


    The kind for a UML Package representing a metamodel that is built-in an OTI compatible tool.

    The kind for a UML Package representing a metamodel that is built-in an OTI compatible tool. A built-in metamodel package can acyclically import built-in metamodel or built-in model library packages

  9. object OTIBuiltInModelLibraryArtifactKind extends OTIArtifactKind with OTIBuiltInArtifactKind with OTIModelLibraryArtifactKind with Product with Serializable


    The kind for a UML Package representing a model library that is built-in an OTI compatible tool.

    The kind for a UML Package representing a model library that is built-in an OTI compatible tool. A built-in model library package can acyclically import built-in model library packages and can acyclically apply built-in profile packages.

  10. object OTIBuiltInProfileArtifactKind extends OTIArtifactKind with OTIBuiltInArtifactKind with OTIProfileArtifactKind with Product with Serializable


    The kind for a UML Package representing a profile that is built-in an OTI compatible tool.

    The kind for a UML Package representing a profile that is built-in an OTI compatible tool. A built-in profile package must acyclically extend at least one built-in metamodel package and can acyclically import built-in model library packages.

  11. object OTIDocumentConfiguration extends Serializable

  12. object OTIDocumentSetConfiguration extends Serializable

  13. object OTILoadingArtifactKind extends OTIArtifactKind with Product with Serializable


    The kind for a UML Package that is processed as part of an importing/loading an OTI Document

  14. object OTIPrimitiveTypes


    Use Scalaz' Tagged type technique, A @@ T, enables partitioning the use of a reference type, A into disjoint types according to the tag type T without adding a runtime overhead in the representation of partitioned values of A.

    Use Scalaz' Tagged type technique, A @@ T, enables partitioning the use of a reference type, A into disjoint types according to the tag type T without adding a runtime overhead in the representation of partitioned values of A.

    In an object-oriented perspective, it is as if A @@ T were defined as a subclass of the class type A such that A @@ T1 and A @@ T2 would be disjoint subclasses of A

    In OTI, this is used for partitioning the use of the type String as the representation for disjoint types in OTI: URI, URL ID, UUID, NS Prefix, UUID Prefix

  15. object OTISerializableMetamodelArtifactKind extends OTIArtifactKind with OTISerializableArtifactKind with OTIMetamodelArtifactKind with Product with Serializable


    The kind for a UML Package representing a metamodel that can be serialized.

    The kind for a UML Package representing a metamodel that can be serialized. A metamodel package can acyclically import metamodel or model library packages

  16. object OTISerializableModelLibraryArtifactKind extends OTIArtifactKind with OTISerializableArtifactKind with OTIModelLibraryArtifactKind with Product with Serializable


    The kind for a UML Package representing a model library that can be serialized.

    The kind for a UML Package representing a model library that can be serialized. A model library package can acyclically import model library packages and can acyclically apply profile packages.

  17. object OTISerializableProfileArtifactKind extends OTIArtifactKind with OTISerializableArtifactKind with OTIProfileArtifactKind with Product with Serializable


    The kind for a UML Package representing a profile that can be serialized.

    The kind for a UML Package representing a profile that can be serialized. A profile package must acyclically extend at least one metamodel package and can acyclically import model library packages.

  18. object OTISpecificationRootCharacteristics extends Serializable

  19. object ToolSpecific2OTI_ID_Pair extends Serializable

  20. object ToolSpecific2OTI_ID_UUID_Pair extends Serializable

  21. implicit def taggedStringFormat[T]: Format[@@[String, T]]

  22. implicit def taggedStringOrdering[T]: Ordering[@@[String, T]]


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
